Friday, December 30, 2011

Coin Tips

Hey Pandas, its Dustin, Sherman, Ran and I wanted to give a few tips to save coins, and in a day or two Sherman or I will add a few pics, but here are our best tips
1- Collect Rocks at Pawthorne Forst, the longer you stay the better items will come
2- Go fishing at Coconut Beach, the longer you fish and the more you have in your backpack when you sell them you will get  A LOT of coins
3- Quest, doing quests are good becuase you can level up and whenever you finish one you get 50 or usually 60 coins which gives you up to almost 650 coins everyday! Just from Quests!
And lastly NEVER EVER SELL ANY ITEMS LIKE CLOTHES AND TREEHOUSE. Clothes items come back often but Treehouse stuff might not always comeback.

Happy New Year,         -=ATVBEAST=-

Hey! RanRan here. And here are a couple of my coin tips.

1- Low Graphics - Low graphics makes finding crops and fish alot quicker. This helps getting more items if quicker time.

2- Fishing - Fishing is easy and you make alot of coins! A really great strategy is to stay in the same location. I would go to Coconut Beach because the fish are worth more.

3- Play Ghost Hunting - Catching Ghost makes more money very quickly. You get double the coins for half the work. Just make sure you don't hit the blue ghost. Also when you go to Misty Hill you get a lot of dirt and that means a lot of treasure!

Well these are my coin tips and maybe Sherman has some tips to share.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Join the official Pandanda Blogroll

Howdy panda pals, today henry posted about Join the offical pandanda blogroll of 2012 so here’s what he wrote and our blog is still on henry’s blogroll thank you henry! So here’s what he wrote:

If you had a blog comment and let us know and I will update my blogroll on our blog keep on blogging panda’s and have fun :)


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Pandanda Holiday Treehouses Album

Hello, Panda Friends!

I hope everyone had a great Christmas, and awesome weekend! The Christmas Gift is still there under the big Christmas tree in Bear Hollow, if you haven't gotten it yet. It is something new and unique; there has never been one in Pandanda before - an animated player card Background! I think it's really cool, and I hope you do, too!

I've been showing you how some of the Pandanda Moderators have decorated their treehouses for the holidays. Mod Jozie sent me a picture of hers over the weekend - check it out!



Thank you to everyone who has sent in a picture of their own holiday trees! You can see the awesome decorative skills of some of your friends in this Pandanda Holiday Treehouse album. Just click the link to view the album.

And it's not too late to show off your holiday treehouse! Just send us a screenshot of your treehouse that shows the entire screen, all the way from your Panda name in the top left corner to your backpack in the bottom right corner. You can send your picture to, and we will add it to the album!

We are also working on an album of the Festive Photo with Your Friends entries. I'll let you know when we have it ready!

See you later!

Hehe my treehouse is the 23rd in the album. I know its awesome. But its not to late for you to send in your treehouse! We need some more trees in the album we only have 27


Monday, December 26, 2011

About Sherman98cp

Howdy panda friend's Im a new author on ranran's pandanda blog so I'm really excited to work on his blog but im not good at posting on blogger but my friend ranran will help me sometimes lol :) so here's  a picture about me :)

So if you see me in pandanda tell and say hi to me and i'll be happy to come online on willow in pandanda so that's it about me :)


Xat Chat Due Date 1-1-12

Hey Pandas right now i have made the chat for this blog. Now the only thing im going to do it keep you in suspense until the new year. But i will tell you that the background is festive lol.  Another spoiler is that the group will be called..

AKA ( RanRans Pandanda Chat )

See you on the chat this New Year :D

- RanRan and Atvbeast (Dustin)

Sunday, December 25, 2011


Hi everyone! I am atvbeast or on PD you might know me as Dustin, so Christmas 2011 marks the day atvbeast comes to RanRan's Blog! Awesome. I will probably be doing the most posting, and I get to do the grunt work like find ways to speed the blog up becuase I think like the black squares or rows or whatever slows it down. (You will notice I say ''or whatever'' a lot). Yeah so lol that's pretty much it. Oh and me and Ran ae going to add an XatChat to our blog soon! If you have any more questions please email us or wait for the Chat, but my email address is . I dont know about Ran. Lastly, PLEASE DO NOT WRITE ANYTHING IN THE COMMENTS ABOUT YOURSELF OR YOUR PROBLEMS.THE COMMENTS ARE FOR POST COMMENTS. NOT A CHAT CENTER
Hehe caps makes everything better right? LOL. But really dont. Ok that's it! If you ever see me on PD Ill usually be flying by on a dragon doing my Quests, or chilling at Pawthorne with probably either Ran, Or idk any of my freinds lol. I have room to add people! Only 19 on my freind list! Yah so that's it! Make sure to follow us or whatever   THANKS! -=ATV=-

Winter Festival Tutoriall

  Hey Pandas! ATV here! For the last few days of the winter festival I am going to tell you the easiest ways to get some stuffers! Ok so the 7 prizes you can get are: REINDEER SWEATER, HOLIDAY GIFT BOX, MUG OF COCOA, FLASHING LIGHTS NECKLACE, FROSTY POTION, AND THE SLED (members only) and FESTIVE PAINT (members only) Ok so you can find the stocking stuffers every on PD except a treehouse and me and Ran have found they come the fastest at The Den. If you have any more questions you can ask either of us on our XatChat.

Pandanda Christmas Item 2011

Hey Pandas 1st off Merry Xmas!! I hope everyone went to bed last night and didnt miss out on santa! Heh funny me i was on Norad Tracks Santa and I was up to 1 am lol. Well today in Pandanda is Xmas and like every year pandanda gives away an item! This year in pandanda they gave away a new item!!

Pandanda Xmas Item 2011 is an Animated Xmas Backround!!

Happy Holidays!
