Hey everyone! First off sorry for this late post! I've been on vacation with my family these last 2 weeks to visit my grandparents out of state, but now I'm back! And here's whats cookin' in TFM right now!
Transformice has released its newest update! The summer event! This summer event is very interesting personally. I found it a bit confusing at first, but the event is based off by getting "relics". The relics are obtainable by easily fishing for them in certain vanilla maps. Some prizes include NEW badges for the summer event, fireworks, graffiti spray cans, pufferfish, balls, and titles such as "Indiana Mouse." etc.
There are 10 relic sets that can be completed. A through J and there are 10 relics for each. Some can be more rare than others.
If you even need a relic that you don't have you can always go to /room *#trade or /room *#trade1 to try finding a relic you need from someone else.. Who knows... (Maybe they need one of your extra relics.?)
This years summer event is a bit longer than usual. The event ends on September 1st.
For further information regarding the event please read the Transformice Newsletter below or check it out on the forums!
Until next time! -RanRan
I know I'm about to find the relics. I can feel it. I'm sure they contain a hidden power. Legends speak of it. 10 relics were destroyed and their pieces were scattered underwater. Surely, collecting all pieces of the same relic should reveal its secret.
Through my investigation, I've marked off 5 search areas on this map. I'm convinced we have to fish in water pointsthere.
You, explorer who reads these lines, if you find this journal it means I'm lost. Find the pieces of the relics and rebuild them.
Everything depends on you.
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- This event is made of 5 different maps. These maps will play in all vanilla and regular rooms.
- Use ↓ to fish in water points.
- You can fish the same piece several times. You can trade them with any other player. Click on the player's name and choose "trade". Then choose the items you wish to trade. Wait for the other mouse to do the same. Validate when you're satisfied. Each mouse has to validate in order for the trade to be successful.
- There are a total of 10 relics each one composed of 10 pieces.
- You can find your inventory in the menu. Pieces of the same relics are represented by the same background color.
- The event will last until September 1!